11.1 Recording a Cue

To record a look created in the Programmer or editor as a cue within a cuelist, you need to specify a cuelist and cue number to record to. If the cuelist does not yet exist, Hog 4 OS will create it automatically.

For example, to record Cue 4 into Cuelist 2:

11.1.1 Recording to a Cuelist on a Master

You can choose a master rather than a cuelist when recording a cue. This will record the cue to the cuelist currently attached to the chosen master, or create a cuelist if it doesn't exist. For example:

  1. Press the Choose key above Master number 10. The Choose key will light up to show that Master 10 is the chosen master.
  2. Record 1 Enter : records Cue 1 in the cuelist attached to Master 10, creating it if necessary.

To record more cues:

11.1.2 Programmer contents after Recording a Cue

When you record a cue, the values remain in the Programmer, but the background colour changes from blue to grey. This indicates that the parameter values in the Programmer are no longer touched, and so are available for recording to another cuelist, but not to the same cuelist. You can keep the values in the Programmer to act as the basis for the next cue on the same list, but because of tracking, only the changed parameter values will be recorded. For an overview of tracking, see Tracking.

11.1.3 Insert, Merge and Replace

When recording, copying or moving a cue, if the destination location already has a cue recorded in it, you will be prompted with record options of Insert, Merge or Replace:

If you are copying a cue, all three options are available. If you are moving a cue, only the Insert option is available.

Tip: If you know that you are about to record, copy or move a cue to an existing destination, you can pre-select Insert, Merge or Replace from the Record Options Toolbar. This appears after you press the Record, Copy or Move keys.

11.1.4 Numbering Cues

If you leave out the cue number when recording cues, Hog 4 OS will give the cue the next whole number in the list. If you specify a cue number, you can use numbers with up to five digits before the decimal and four digits after; for example: 11111.1111. This can be useful to insert cues between previously recorded ones.

You can later renumber a complete cuelist; see Renumbering Cues within a Cuelist.

11.1.5 Naming Cues

You can give a cue a name that will be displayed in the Cuelist window and on the Playback Bar:

  1. Open + Choose : opens the Cuelist window of the selected master.
  2. Select the cue's name cell.
  3. Set [name] Enter : type in the name.

Tip: To name a cue immediately after recording it, press the Set key. This will open a Quickname window. Enter the cue name and select OK.