
A tab is similar to a stack of frames. Tabs are typically drawn across the top or bottom width of a page and used as the visual method to navigate between configured pages in a touchscreen configuration. See Lockout and Visibility and Hiding and Disabling Controls.

After adding tabs to your page, add buttons (typically invisible) onto the tabs and apply an action to the button that changes the page shown.

TIP: Applying a button onto a tab and assigning the "Change Page" action to the button enables navigation between the pages in a configuration on a touchscreen. Some buttons have default action types assigned when they are added to a page. For example, a Navigation button has the default action of ."Next Page", "Previous Page" or "Show Default Page".

Add a New Tab

When a tab is drawn on the page, only one tab is created although you can have numerous tabs on a page. When more tabs are created than space allows for display on a page, ControlDesigner automatically creates advance arrows indicating there are additional tabs. To navigate to the off screen tabs press the arrow tab in the direction you wish to move.

  1. Select the [Add Tab] tool from the toolbar. When draw mode is enabled and the mouse is hovered the Page workspace, the mouse changes to a "+" symbol.
  2. Simply draw the tab to the size of your choice on the Page workspace. If multiple single tabs (tabs not connected in the same string) are required, you will be able to draw multiple tab's of the same selected type until you exit draw mode or select a new different control type or parent object to add to your configuration. Once drawn, the Property Editor displays available Tab Properties for the selection.
  3. To add additional tabs to the same string, right-click on the new tab and select "Add Tab" from the context menu.

    Note: You may select "Make Tabs Same Size" from the context menu if multiple tabs of varying sizes are selected.

    TIP: The tab can be moved and re-sized after it is drawn so you do not need be completely precise when initially drawing the tab. You can also copy and paste and duplicate a tab, making it easy to create multiple tabs of the same size and location but not in the same string.

Select, Re-size, and Reorganize Tabs

While in Select Mode, select and specify new properties for a tab, reorganize the order of the tabs in the string, and make all of the tabs in the string the same size.

Select Tab

To select a tab while in select mode, you can:

Re-size Tabs

You can make all of the tabs in the selected tab string the same width as the current selected tab:

Reorganize Tabs

At any time, tabs in a string can be reorganized to a different order.

Delete a Tab

Delete a tab at any time: