Add or Edit Keypad Actions
Keypad actions are assigned in the Action Editor.
Note: When the Show Cancel property is enabled "Yes", the Action Editor will automatically populate with an unassigned "Cancel" action.
Add / Edit Keypad Actions
- Select the keypad from the Page workspace or the Object Browser.
Note: When "Show Cancel" is enabled in keypad properties, the Action Editor automatically displays "Cancel" in the action editor list. Add a keypad action to the Cancel action list, just the same as you would any other actions.
- In the "Action Editor", click the [Add Action List ] button. The new action list displays with "Unnamed 1" as the default name and "Passcode 1" as the default passcode selection for the action.
- Rename the action list if desired by deleting "Unnamed 1" and retyping the new name.
- Select a different passcode for the action if desired by clicking to select the Passcode drop down list and selecting from the desired passcode from five available in the list.
- Add an action. Click the [Add Action] button, then scroll to select the desired action from the list. See Button and Keypad Action Types for details of each available action. The selected action displays in the editor.
- Depending on the action selected, additional options may display in the editor. Some actions require specification of a transition property. Reference Transitions for details.
Note: Multiple steps can be created for a single action and will be executed in the order they appear in the list. Once created the actions can be reordered (See Reorder and Delete Actions).