Getting Started with Hog 4 PC and ETCnomad
- ETCnomad is compatible with your Hog 4 PC running v3.12.0 or later software.
- The ETCnomad dongle must be connected to and recognized by the PC running prior to launching the Hog 4 PC application.
- An ETCnomad dongle with 6,144 outputs unlocks OSC input for encoders and faders.
- An ETCnomad dongle does not unlock additional Art-Net or sACN output on Hog consoles.
- Connect the ETCnomad dongle to a USB port on your computer running Hog 4 PC v3.12.0 or later software.
Note: Connect only one ETCnomad dongle to the computer running Hog 4 PC application software. Stacking dongles is not supported.
- Connect the provided ETCnomad USB drive into a USB port of the same device.
- Copy the files to your device from either the USB drive or from the ETC website
- If downloading from the website, click on the file name,Hog 4 PC vX.XX.X. Reference Software Installation.
- After installation, start the Hog 4 PC application and launch a new or existing show file.
- Navigate to Select » Network. The Network window displays.
- Click to select the DMX Processor running locally on the Hog 4 PC computer. This is likely named DMX Processor #1.
- Click the [Settings] button located at the top of the Network window. The DMX Processor Settings window displays.
- Click the "DMX Widgets" tab in the DMX Processor Settings window. The DMX Widgets Settings window displays.
- Click the add new button [+] (blue plus symbol) on a DMX universe to map the ETCnomad dongle license key.
- Use the drop-down menu to select an ETCnomad dongle output.
Note: If the ETCnomad dongle is disconnected from the PC during a show, any of its outputs that were not previously mapped will no longer appear in the DMX Widgets Settings window for mapping. To remedy this, you must log off the computer, and then log back on.
- Click [OK] or [Apply] to confirm the mapping. Art-Net and sACN output are now enabled for the universes you mapped to the ETCnomad dongle outputs.
For details on how to configure Art-Net and sACN outputs, reference the Art-Net and E1.31(sACN) topic in the Hog 4 PC online help system.