ETCnomad with Eos

A computer with the Eos software and ETCnomad dongle connected may be used online as a primary, backup, or client to another Eos family product running the same software version.

Note:  A computer with the Eos software and no connected dongle can only be used offline to edit or create show files or in mirror mode.

System Capacity

On Eos systems, the output capacity is based on the lower number provided by the primary or backup. (e.g., if the primary has 6144 outputs and the backup has 1024, the system output will be 1024).

When a device is connected as a client, the output capacity of that device is ignored.

The ETCnomad Base dongle provides output based on the software version in use, as follows:

  • Systems running 2.8.x or lower - the Base dongle provides 512 of output.
  • Systems running 2.9 or higher - the Base dongle provides 1024 of output.

For the current Eos Family Release Note and other Eos specific documentation, please visit the ETC website at

Note:  When using ETCnomad as a backup, the output capacity of your lowest output device dictates the maximum output of your Eos system.

Software Installation

You will be required to restart your computer after installing the software. Save any open files and close any applications before beginning the installation.

Using Real-Time Software on a Personal Computer:

The accuracy of your show depends on the computer and software used so ETC recommends that other activities such as gaming or web surfing be done on other devices.

Tip:  If you experience performance issues, first try closing all other running programs, including background tasks.

Installing on a PC:

  1. Plug the provided ETCnomad dongle into a USB port of the device to which you will be downloading the Eos ETCnomad software.
  2. Plug the provided ETCnomad USB drive into a USB port of the same device.
  3. Copy the files to your device from either the USB drive or from the website
    • If on the website, click on the file name,Eos Family Console Software v.X.X.X (Consoles, RVIs, RPUs, ETCnomad Puck, and ETCnomad for PC.

Note:  If you are reinstalling Eos, click the Repair option at the beginning of the installation process.

  1. Click Save and choose the destination for the file. If installing from the website, you will need to unzip the file.
  2. Navigate to the ETC_EosFamily_v...exe and double click.
  3. Run the program. This will open the installer wizard for the software.
  4. Click Next and follow the instructions of the installer.
  5. If a restart is required, restart your computer.

An icon will appear on the desktop Launch Eos Family or you may navigate to the ETC_LaunchOffline.exe on your computer. Use either of these to launch the software.

A shortcut to a folder labeled Eos Family Documents will also appear on the desktop. This folder contains documents indicating the keyboard shortcuts HotKeys for Eos family commands. Shortcuts facilitate use of the software.

Installing on a Macintosh:

Note:  ETCnomad on Mac supports all USB devices EXCEPT the Universal Fader Wings.

ETC recommends that you run the installer from your desktop and not from a USB memory device.

  1. Plug the provided ETCnomad dongle into a USB port of the device to which you will be downloading the Eos software.
  2. Plug the provided ETCnomad USB drive into a USB port of the same device.
  3. Copy the files to your device from either the USB drive or from the website
  1. Navigate to the ETCnomad software. Click on the file name Eos ETCnomad MAC Software v.X.X.X.
  2. Click Save and choose the destination for the file. If installing from the website you will need to unzip the file.
  3. Navigate to the ETCnomad_Eos_Mac_v...pkg and double click.
  4. Run the program. This will open the installer wizard for the software.
  5. Click Continue and follow the instructions of the installer.

You may need to navigate to Applications>Eos Family Welcome Screen to launch the Eos Configuration Utility.

In addition, a folder labeled Eos Family Documents will be installed. This folder contains documents indicating the keyboard shortcuts HotKeys for Eos family commands. These shortcuts facilitate use of the offline software. The folder is located at Documents>ETC>Eos.

For more information on Eos family products, go to

Note:  If you are reinstalling Eos, click the Repair option at the beginning of the installation process.

Note:  ETC recommends testing all equipment used as a lighting controller after all major changes such as system or software updates.