Configuration Sharing
Buttons for the available sharing options can be found at the bottom of each device's Configuration screen.
Load, Save, and Share in EchoAccess Mobile App
Files accessed with Load, Save, and Share are stored locally on the mobile device.

Tapping [Load] opens a list of saved EchoAccess configuration files that are stored locally on the mobile device. Load is only available if there is a saved configuration file from the same device type.
- The device name will not be copied from the file to the device to avoid multiple devices with the same name.
- Available configuration files can be shared or deleted from the Settings menu.
- Configuration files can be added to the local storage list by
- saving a configuration using the EchoAccess App Share button.
- sharing an XML configuration file from email, DropBox, Google Drive, Apple iCloud Drive, or other file sharing application. Share the file and choose Copy to EchoAccess (icon shown below). Consult your mobile device or file sharing application documentation for further help with file sharing.
Example workflow:
- User A shares an Inspire Station configuration file named "8buttonv1" by email from the EchoAccess App on his mobile device.
- User B opens the email on his mobile device, opens the attached configuration file (8buttonv1.xml), and shares it. He chooses Import with EchoAccess from the list of sharing options.
- User B opens the EchoAccess App on his mobile device, navigates to an Inspire Station, taps [Load], and chooses 8button1.xml.
- User B's Inspire Station is now configured the same as User A's Inspire Station.
- A version mismatch warning appears if the firmware version on the sending device does not match the firmware version of the receiving device. You can disable the version mismatch warning in the Settings menu.

Tapping [Save] opens a dialog where you can enter a name for the current EchoAccess configuration for an individual device. Tapping [Ok] saves the configuration file to local storage.
- Saved configurations can be shared or deleted from the Settings menu.

Tapping [Share] opens a dialog where you can enter a name for the current EchoAccess configuration for an individual device. Tapping [Ok] opens a list of applications for file sharing such as email, DropBox, iCloud Drive, Google Drive, etc. Available options vary for each mobile device. Consult your mobile device or file sharing application documentation for further help with file sharing.
- Share also saves a copy of the device configuration to local storage.
- Saved configurations can be shared or deleted from the Settings menu.
Load and Save in EchoAccess Concert App
Files accessed with Load and Save are stored in the Windows file system, accessed with Windows File Explorer.
Note: Share is only available in the EchoAccess Mobile App.
Copy To
Copy To copies the current EchoAccess configuration to another device of the same type on the EchoConnect Bus. This option is only available if a device of the same type is detected. Tapping [Copy To] opens a dialog with a list of devices of the same type as the device you are currently configuring. You must select a device from the list before tapping [Ok].
- A version mismatch warning appears if the firmware version on the sending device does not match the firmware version of the receiving device. You can disable the version mismatch warning in the Settings menu.
Wink is a feature provided in the EchoAccess App that enables physical identification of devices in a space. See Wink for more information.