Quick Access

Quick Access buttons are available at the top of each display, opening tools that appear in a pop-up window that overlays your current display.

Select an icon to open a tool, and select again to close the pop-up window.

{Popup Magic Sheet}

Allows quick access to a magic sheet (see About Magic Sheets) assigned in Setup > User > Displays > Popup Magic Sheet. If a magic sheet has not been assigned, you will be able to choose one from a list of available magic sheets when you first select the icon.

In Setup > {Popup Nav Lock} > {Popup Nav Lock}, you can enable or disable the zoom and scroll navigation for pop-up magic sheets. Enabled by default.

{Popup ML Controls}

Allows quick access to the Moving Light Controls.

{Popup Snapshot Browser}

Allows quick access to your favorite snapshots (see About Snapshots). Snapshots can be assigned as favorites when you record them. Select a snapshot to recall it.

{Popup Virtual Keyboard}

Allows quick access to a keyboard which mimics the hard keys found on the physical face panel of a console. The alphanumeric keyboard shortcut for that hard key displays in the lower right hard corner.

The virtual keyboard is also available in a standalone tab via [Tab] [7].


The time the console is using. Defaults to 12 hour format. To use 24 hour format, make sure {24 Hour Clock} is checked.

Time can also be changed from the shell via Time Service (SNTP).

On ETCnomad, these settings are determined by Windows or macOS, and cannot be edited here.