Using Flexichannel

Flexichannel (use of the [Flexi] key) allows you to view only channels meeting a certain criteria in the Live/ Blind display, therefore removing unwanted data from view. Press and hold [Flexi] to see and select from a list of available states and modes in the CIA. You can also press [Flexi] multiple times to cycle through the list of available states.

Flexichannel has several available states which include allowing you to view only:

There are three Flexichannel modes, which can be used along with the Flexichannel states:

Note:  The multicell fixture views can be used in combination with other flexichannel states.

Note:  You can use [Flexi] & [.] to quickly toggle cells on and off.

In flexi, selected channels (including the last channel selection) are always included in the view. Gaps in channel numbers are indicated by a vertical line between the channels where a gap in numbering occurs.

To change flexi states in the Live/Blind display, press [Flexi] to cycle through the views listed above. When [Flexi] is held down, the softkeys change to represent all of the available flexi states and modes. You can select the desired flexi view from those keys.

[Next/Last] can be used to select the next or last channel in the current flexi state.

[Thru] can be used to view only channels in the current flexi state (except for selected channels) as long as either the first or last channel in the [Thru] range is included in the current flexi state. To include channels not in the current flexi state, [Thru] [Thru] can be used.

View Channels

You may select specific channels to appear in another flexichannel state called “View Channels”. This state does not exist until you select channels to view. After view channels is activated, it will appear in the rotation of flexichannel states when [Flexi] is pressed.

To select channels to view:

  1. Select channels on the command line (do not press [Enter]).
  2. Press and hold [Flexi].
  3. Press {View Chans}. The “View Channels” flexi state will be created and the channels you selected will be visible in it.

The channels you selected will be visible in this flexi state until you select other channels and press {View Chans} again. At any time, you can access the last channels you defined for this state by pressing [Flexi] until this state is visible.

To redefine the selected channels in the state, simply follow the steps above again.

Flexichannel with Timing

You may also engage the “channels with timing” flexichannel state by pressing [Flexi] & [Time]. This will display all channels that have discrete timing in the current cue and will remove channels without discrete timing from view.

You may still hold [Time] on Eos or double press [Time] on Eos Ti and Gio to view the discrete time behind any parameter or category.

The display will remain in this state until you disengage it by pressing [Flexi] again.