Playback Status Display

The playback status display (PSD) allows you to view a range of cues in the current cue list, all cue attributes for those cues, and a view of the fader configurations for 10 pages of 10 faders each (for a total of 100 visible faders.

The PSD opens on Tab 2. This display cannot be closed, but you can have multiple instances of the PSD open on different tabs.

Holding down [Time] while a cue is fading, will display the cue category times counting down in the cue list display area. The default action is to show the total time not the countdown.

To always show the countdown, a {PSD Time Countdown} option is available in PSD configuration menu (see Playback Status Display Configuration). When the {PSD Time Countdown} is enabled, the cue category times will countdown as a cue is fading. To see the total time, hold down the [Time] key. {PSD Time Countdown} is “disabled” by default.

Most Eos Family consoles have three available formats for the playback status display:

Expanded cue list format is the default. When the focus is on the playback status display, press [Format] to toggle between the displays.

Element 2 and Element Classic PSD

On Element 2 and Element Classic, the PSD allows you to view a range of cues in the single cue list along with the cue attributes for those cues. Fader information can be viewed in the Indicators in the Element 2 & Element Classic Fader Status Display.