Editing Fixtures

You can view and edit existing fixtures in the Fixture Editor. Edited fixtures will display with an "*" beside their name.

With the fixture selected, you can change the name by pressing [Label] or tapping on the fixture. You can press [Label] twice to clear the name. The virtual keyboard will open in the CIA. The fixture's name as it is in the library will still display by the new name.

Note:  Using [Update Profile] will remove any edits made to existing fixtures. Fixtures that have been copied will retain any edits. See Copying a Fixture

Physical Data Editor

The Physical Data Editor provides options for editing Augment3d-related fixture information. The following options are available:

Fixture Model allows the selection of the model displayed in Augment3d when the fixture has position data. Selecting "No model" will tell Eos to use the default fixture model closest to the fixture type. Practical light emitting objects (like desk lamps) can be found in the Practicals manufacturer.

Hang to Focus Offset is the XYZ offset from the center of the base to where the fixture will pan / tilt. It is used when converting between a desired XYZ beam end, and pan / tilt values.