Solo Mode

Note:  This option is not available on Element 2 and Element Classic.

The {Solo Mode} softkey is useful in multiple programmer situations. {Solo Mode} is used to pull a cue list out for editing purposes after it has been synced with other cuelists.


Cue List 1 is being used by one programmer and Cue List 2 was programmed by a second programmer. For the run of the show, the lists are synced so they run together. But if changes need to be made to Cue List 2 and not be affected by the playback of Cue List 1, {Solo Mode} can be used.

{Solo Mode} is a toggle state. So if Cue List 2 is already in solo mode, and [Cue] [2] [/] {Solo Mode} [Enter] is used again, that list will no longer be in solo mode.