Assigning Faders

Note:  Additional virtual faders are available on [Tab] [2][8]. See Virtual Fader Module.

Cue playbacks, submasters, grandmasters, palettes, and presets are targets that can be assigned to faders.

Faders can be assigned in a number of different ways.

The single cue list on Element 2 and Element Classic consoles can only be loaded to the master playback fader pair, and cannot be assigned to a fader.

With Auto Playback Enabled

Note:  Not available on Element Classic.

Auto Playback is a record function enabled in Setup > User > Record Defaults, that automatically executes cues recorded in live on playback faders. When the cue is executed on the playback fader, any manual parameters involved in the record operation are automatically released to the cue and all other values stored in the cue are owned by that cue.

When the first cue is stored on Eos, the cue list of that cue automatically loads on the master fader. Any subsequent cue lists stored will load to the next available fader.

Assigning Faders Manually

The location of playbacks, submasters, palettes, and presets on faders can also be defined as the contents of those targets are stored.

Note:  Grandmasters must be defined in fader configuration display or the fader list. See Grandmaster.

If a fader is unmapped, a target can be loaded to that location by selecting the target from the command line and pressing the associated [Load] key. The fader will then be automatically assigned that target.

Once a cue list is loaded to a fader, storing to that cue list automatically plays the cue back on the appropriate fader, when auto playback on record is enabled in Setup > User > Record Defaults.

If a fader has been configured for default mapping ( see Fader Configuration), the fader will receive its configuration from the Cue List Index. Changes made to a cue list in the cue list index will be shared with any default mapping faders loaded with that cue list. If changes are made to a fader set to default mapping in the fader configuration display, those changes will also happen in the Cue List Index. If set to Local, any changes made in the fader configuration display will impact only that instance of the content.

To load a new cue into the pending file of a playback fader, when auto playback is disabled in setup, or when you want to move a cue list to a different fader, first place that cue or list number on the command line then press the associated [Load] button for the destination playback fader.