[About] Address

Press [About] to put the CIA into About mode. When an address is selected, the information below is displayed. You can select the information you wish to view from the buttons located on the right side of the CIA. Additional buttons may display based on RDM and Sensor Feedback if enabled. The buttons are:

{Address} displays the following information:

{Next Part} and {Last Part} will advance to the next part or go back to the previous part. This only displays for addresses with parts.

{Go To Patch} is a shortcut to edit the patch for the address selected. This will open up the patch display.

{Fixture Notes} displays the following information:

{Lamp Controls} displays controls for the lamp or other parameters of the device (if it is an automated fixture).

{Next/ Last Unpatched} will allow you to see what addresses closest to the current address are currently unpatched.

{Dimmer Feedback} - appears when the current address is patched to a dimmer in an ETC Sensor rack with a CEM+ or CEM3. Sensor feedback must be enabled. See Interface Protocols and Errors and Warnings.

Note:  For Sensor feedback, the CEM+ must be running software version 3.0 or later.

{Dimmer Feedback} displays the following information:

{Dimmer Feedback} displays the following information, which can be modified by clicking on the value and entering in a new value:

The following softkey commands are supported from this display:

Note:  Clearing CEM+ or CEM3 errors will be temporary unless the errors have been fixed at the CEM+ or CEM3. Errors displayed will clear on their own once they have been cleared from the CEM+ or CEM3. Some CEM+ or CEM3 errors can only be cleared at the Sensor rack.

{Device Details} - appears when the current address is patched to a RDM device. RDM devices must be enabled through the ECU and discovered through the patch. See Network RDM , Patch > Patch, and Errors and Warnings.

{Device Details} displays the information that it receives from the device and allows some changes to be made to:

Note:  Changes may take a few seconds to make. They will propagate to the RDM device and then back to the console’s patch and about displays.

Note:  Changing the address can not cause any part of the fixture to move to a different universe or communication with the device may be lost. The universe is set into the gateways port configuration.

Note:  Details displayed will vary based on the device.

Device Errors are displayed in four different colors depending on severity.

Note:  Color severity is determined by the device manufacturer.