Import Equipment List

You can import equipment lists into LightDesigner including stations, channels, processors, Network Station Power Supplies, Mosaic Show data, Echo Expansion Bridge data, and even new spaces with hierarchical data. Select Project>Import Data>Equipment List. You can also import the equipment list while creating a new project in the Processor Properties and Data Import section of the New Project Wizard or New Server Project Wizard.

Note: You can merge stations from an imported equipment list with existing stations in the configuration and maintain their control assignments. You can also choose the type of import process applied by selecting either [Match Number] or [Match Name & Space] from the import dialog.

Equipment List Spreadsheet Formatting

At a minimum, the equipment import spreadsheet must include Processor and Space data. You may include additional equipment in the import including Network Station Power Supplies, Connectors, Stations, Echo Bridges, and Mosaic Shows. The equipment list spreadsheet must be formatted in a very specific way for a successful import.

Each import object type has required minimum data for a successful import. An equipment import may be simple or complex depending on which information you are importing.

Tip: The easiest way to create a valid equipment list for importing, is to begin from one that has been exported from LightDesigner. See Export Equipment List and then edit the data to match your new project needs.

Sample Equipment List Spreadsheet

Note: See System Requirements and Capabilities for information regarding the maximum number of processors per project and server project.

Note: You must match a property name exactly when referring to other properties. For example, you must match the Processor name exactly when specifying a Space or the import will fail.


You must include the Processor Name, Processor Number, Host Rack, and IP settings.


You must include the Space Name, and Parent Space Name if the space is within a sub-space. You can additionally create and modify space data through the import process and create project hierarchy through primary space and sub-space.

Network Station Power Supply

You can create and modify Network Station Power Supply data through the import process. The minimum data required for a NSPS import is the NSPS Number, Name, ID, Processor, and IP Settings.


You can create and modify connector data through the import process. The minimum data required for a Connector import is the Connector Name, Number, Type, Processor that it is assigned to and the Space where it is located.


You can create new and modify existing station data, including touchscreen stations, through the import process and preserve the control assignments for merged stations. The minimum data required for a station import is the Station Name, Type, Processor that it is assigned to, the Space where it is located, and confirmation of whether it is a Portable or Wireless where appropriate.

When importing, you will be prompted to choose whether to import by either [Match Number] or [Match Name & Space]. The selected method processes the imported data differently. Include the station number in the imported content if you are planning to match the import by the station's number.

Echo Bridge

You can create and modify Echo Bridge data through the import process. The minimum data required for Echo Bridge import is the Echo Bridge Name, Processor that it is assigned to, and the Space where it is located.

Mosaic Show

You can create and modify Mosaic Show data through the import process. The minimum data required for Mosaic Show import is the Mosaic Show Name and Processor that it is assigned to.

Importing by Number Data versus Channel and Space Data

When importing an equipment list spreadsheet and the Number property is specified for an object or device, which is likely as many objects such as the Processor, Space, Network Station Power Supply requires this property, LightDesigner will prompt a dialog requesting whether you prefer to import matching the data by the Number or by the Name and Space.

Importing Conflicts

The import process could result in a conflict that requires disposition before the import process will complete.

Import Equipment Errors Dialog

Importing an equipment list that includes invalid objects will result in an error dialog that explains the errors as well as provides an option for you to cancel the import or proceed importing omitting the objects that have errors.

Import Equipment List Errors Dialog

Click [OK] to proceed with the import process, omitting the invalid objects, or click [Cancel] to abort the import.

Import Equipment Conflicts

Importing a spreadsheet into an existing configuration could cause a data conflict to occur, and LightDesigner to display a conflict dialog. There are multiple reasons a conflict can occur, with a main reason being a duplicate object of the same name; importing a file twice will not create the objects in duplicate. Instead you are provided with a conflict dialog for disposition of which version of the same object you would like to maintain.

You must specify a disposition of replace, merge, or ignore per conflict or a set an action that will affect all conflicts in a category or space at once.

Import Equipment List Conflicts Dialog

After the import is completed successfully, there may still be errors incurred by the import. Check the Error Browser for a list of any incomplete assignments that may affect the configuration.