Where Used

Troubleshooting where an object is used in your project and understanding what other programming features may affect the object's behavior has been simplified through the Where Used feature. Simply right‑click on supported objects in the Browser, Plan, or Sheets (Design or Program/Simulate) views and select Show Where Used from the context menu to display where that object is used (assigned) in the project.

Supported Object Types
Channels Stations
Presets Palettes
Sequences Spaces
Groups Control Groups
Macros Timed Events
Processors Overrides

By default, the Where Used content viewer is shown in the lower left corner of the application window and populates with the relevant presets, groups, and actions associated with the selected object. When the viewed object is an override, the Where Used viewer displays all controls, timed events, and triggers that are overridden by the override. When there are no presets, groups, actions, or overrides assigned to the selected channel, that tab will not be selectable or will show "No Results for Selected Object".

Where Used

Note: The Where Used content viewer is updated by applying Show Where Used from the context menu of a supported object. Once populated, the content will remain until the viewer is closed or Show Where Used is applied from another supported object.

Using the Where Used Content Viewer

When applied to channels, the Where Used content viewer is a simplified channel track sheet that provides focused information related to the selected object. What displays in this viewer is directly related to what is selected and what other objects are associated to the selection. For example, a channel can be associated to presets, palettes, sequences, and overrides, and a channel can be part of a group or channel group, and it may also be directly affected by a control or indicator on a station, or it could just be in a single preset.

Selecting an object from the Where Used content viewer tracks to selection throughout the software, displaying its properties in the Property Editor.

Presets tab

From the Presets tab of the Where Used content viewer, you can quickly review the selected channel's parameter value in each associated preset, palette, and sequence.

Where Used, Channel

Groups tab

From the Groups tab of the Where Used content viewer, you can view any groups associated with the selected channel and remove the channel from the group.

Where Used, Groups Remove

Simply click the [Remove from group] button to remove the channel from the specified group.

Actions tab

From the Actions tab of the Where Used content viewer, you can view which actions directly affect the selected channel, such as controls (faders and buttons) and indicators.

Where Used, Actions

When a Preset is the selected object, the Where Used content viewer shows the preset action type and the associated controlled space, station, and control or indicator the preset is assigned.

Where Used, Preset

Edit Mode

From the Preset tab of the content viewer, click the Edit Mode button to place the preset, palette, or sequence into Edit Mode. When in Edit Mode, the Editor Spreadsheet or Sequence Editor displays for editing, the Property Editor populates with the related properties, and the Programmer displays for edit.

Click the Edit Mode button from the Where Used content viewer or the Preset Directory again to exit Edit Mode and save your changes.

Where Used, Preset Edit Mode

Export Where Used Data

Where Used data can be exported from the Where Used content viewer and saved in OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods) format. Right-click inside the content viewer and select Export Where Used data from the context menu.

Where Used, Export Data

LightDesigner exports the data to a single *.ods file with three tabs in the worksheet, Presets, Groups, and Actions.