Configuring Virtual Touchscreen

A Virtual Touchscreen is a stand-alone client application that allows all of the functionality of a Paradigm touchscreen from a compatible personal computer connected to the Paradigm Central Control Server (P-CCS) network or the dedicated hardware of the Paradigm 18" Touchscreen. Virtual Touchscreen functionality is only compatible with a Server Project.

Paradigm Virtual Touchscreen configurations are created in ControlDesigner, exactly like other Paradigm Touchscreen configurations, and assigned functionality in LightDesigner, like other control stations.

Adding A Virtual Touchscreen

When running a Server Project, right-click on the "Central Control Server" node or the "Stations" node in the Browser and select "Add Virtual Touchscreen" from the context menu.

Browser, Add VTS Context Menu

Alternatively, in the Design view with a space selected, right-click on the Virtual Touchscreen object in the ETC Paradigm station library and select "Add Station to Central Control Server" from the context menu.

When the station is added, the Touchscreen Configuration dialog displays for specification of the ControlDesigner configuration file. To create a touchscreen configuration, reference the ControlDesigner online help.

Note: Automatic Touchscreen Configurations for Virtual Touchscreens are not permitted.

Virtual Touchscreen instances display in the server level Stations node within the Browser because it applies to any or all projects in the Server Project.