Merge Server Objects

You can merge multiple objects of matching types including palettes, presets or channel groups to create a single object of that type in a server project. The Merge Server Objects feature is available in the .

  1. Select multiple channel groups, palettes or presets from within the Browser or Preset Directory, as applicable.

    Note: Select multiple objects of matching type by pressing and holding the CTRL button then left click on additional objects, adding them into the selection.

  2. Right-click on any of the selected objects and select "Merge Server Objects" from the context menu. The "Merging Server Objects" dialog displays for selection.

    Merge Server Objects Dialog

  3. Select from the radio buttons which object name will be maintained after the merge. This object's data will be used for any conflicts that may also occur in the merge process. This objects data will also be the maintained data for all channels that are shared between the merging objects.
  4. Click [Yes] to process the merge.

    Note: If a preset or palette is currently in use, applied to channels who are simulating output or in Live Control, the merge process will cancel. You must deactivate, stop or cancel the output, then try the merge process again.

  5. Any channels that are common between the selected objects will be overwritten with the data of the selected object. Any channels uncommon between the selected object will be added into the new merged object as well.

    Example: Merge Server Objects for Presets

    • Preset 38 includes channels 22 and 24 at 25% intensity
    • Preset 37 includes channels 21, 22, 23 and 24 at 75% intensity

    Merging these two presets using the Merge Server Objects feature, using preset 38 as the named object, would result in a new Preset 38 including channel 21 at 75% intensity, channel 22 at 25% intensity, channel 23 at 75% intensity, and channel 24 at 25% intensity.