Master Faders
Master faders can be used to control the output of certain functions. Master faders are assigned to the top four faders. They are assigned in the Console tab in Settings.
Note: When the Playbacks or Cues faders are fully down no output will be produced by those sections.
Master faders can be assigned to these functions:
- Bumps: controls the output when a bump button is pressed.
- Playbacks: controls the output of the playbacks and sequences.
- Cues: controls the output of the cue list.
- Crossfader: Crossfades the cue list from the Live to the Next step.
- Grandmaster: controls the overall intensity of all patched channels.
In Simple Mode
- Memory 1- 4: The playback memories are the four faders above the touchscreen. You may record the output and store it on one of the four masters to be re-used later.