Creating Multipart and Compound Channels

A multipart channel is any channel that has more than one dimmer patched to it. A compound channel has multiple profiles patched to it that make up one channel, an example would be a dimmer with a scroller and auto-yoke. By default, Eos will add a part if you are trying to patch to a channel that has already been assigned an address.

To patch a multipart channel in channel format:

Assuming that channel 9 is already patched to an address, this will create a part 2 and address it at 540.

This will create a part 2 for channel 8 and address it at 513. If you wish to patch by address while in the channel view, press:

Assuming channel 8 was previously patched to an address, this will create a part 2 and address it at 513.

To patch a multipart channel in address format:

This will perform the same action as the previous example, assuming channel 8 was previously patched to an address.

To select multiple parts for editing:

This is useful for deleting or assigning new addresses to existing parts.

To patch a compound channel in channel format:

Creates a part 2 for channel 1 and assigns it the selected scroller profile. See Patch > Patch on using {Type}.

Use multiple parts without addresses to assign multiple fixtures in Augment3d positions that share the same channel.