Record Defaults


Switch between Tracking and Cue Only Modes (see Tracking vs. Cue Only). Defaults to Tracking Mode.

{Record Confirm}

Enable or disable the confirm action when storing over a previously recorded target. Enabled by default.

{Delete Confirm}

Enable or disable the required confirmation before any delete command is executed. Enabled by default.

{Auto Playback}

When enabled, this feature automatically plays back cues and submasters as they are stored and releases manual control. For submasters to automatically play back, the slider must be at full. When auto playback is disabled, all manual levels are maintained and cues must be loaded and executed on playbacks. Enabled by default.

{Record Effects In Presets}

Enables or disables whether running effects are recorded into presets. Disabled by default.

Update Mode

This field allows you to select a default update mode (see Update Dialogue Box). The default is “Make Absolute”.

{Break Nested}

This setting allows you to enable/ disable the update modifier break nested. Enabled by default.

{Update Last Ref}

Enable or disable the update modifier update last ref. Enabled by default.

{Intensity Cue Only}

Enable or disable intensity cue only. When enabled, intensity updates will be cue only, regardless of the tracking mode of the desk. Non-intensity parameter updates will continue to follow tracking vs cue only. Defaults to disabled.

Emergency Mark

Note:  This option is not available on Element 2 and Element Classic.

Can be used to automatically set a mark flag if you had not previously done so. If using Earliest and no cue with a mark flag has already been set, Emergency Mark will set a mark flag.

Emergency Mark can be set to either Earliest or Latest. Latest is the default setting.