Mirror Mode

Mirror mode is used to mirror the external displays of another device. It can be used on any device on the network, including the primary processor. Any device being mirrored is referred to as the host. The is no limit to the number of mirrored devices a host can have. A console currently in mirror mode cannot be mirrored.

Note:  Desk settings are not mirrored.

When a device is in mirror mode, the only action allowed from that device is paging via the page keys and shutdown / startup. When a device in mirror mode pages, it also pages the host. A device can select which user number it is mirroring by using the alphanumeric keyboard shortcut ALT +F1. ALT + F2 can be used to leave mirror mode.

Note:  If a device is not currently in mirror mode, pressing M on an alphanumeric keyboard will post Macro to the command line.

Mirror Mode Displays

When a device is placed in mirror mode, external monitors on the mirroring device will match the external monitors of the host. A client will mirror as many monitors as it has available.

All formats used on the host device are shown on the mirroring device including flexichannel states, column widths, chosen parameters, and pages.

The CIA will open on monitor 1. The CIA on the device in mirror mode can be locked open or closed. When left unlocked, the CIA will expand and close as normal. Not all CIA displays shown on the device in mirror mode. The following CIA displays are synchronized:

The CIA can be completely hidden when locked by pressing the [Displays] key. Pressing [Displays] again will display and unlock the CIA.

Configuring Mirror Mode

Configuring a device to connect in Mirror mode is done from the Displays menu in the Browser. When [Displays] is pressed, a {Mirror} softkey will be displayed. Pressing {Mirror} will open up a list of potential hosts in the CIA.

The mirror display can be navigated using the arrow keys or a mouse. When the required host is highlighted, press [Enter] or double click with a mouse to confirm the selection. This display can also be opened with the keyboard shortcut of ALT + F1.

Note:   While in Mirror mode, the display will also have options for exiting and powering off the device.

Exiting Mirror Mode

Exiting mirror mode can be done by selecting {Stop Mirroring} in the mirror display or using the keyboard shortcut ALT + F2. When exiting mirror mode, the device will return to its normal, working state.

Note:  Clients without a dongle cannot exit mirror mode.

Start in Mirror Mode

When a device is shut down in mirror mode, it will restart in mirror mode mirroring the same host as before. If the host has changed settings, mirror mode will need to be reselected on startup.

Mirror Mode Macros

Macros can be created to configure a device for mirror mode and to exit the mode.

If your console has dedicated macro hardkeys, the face panel button configuration in the ECU allows setup of these buttons.

Note:  An alphanumeric keyboard will be needed to create this macro.

To create a macro to place a device in mirror mode:

  1. Set the User ID of all devices to match the Primary.
  2. Press ALT + F1 to open the mirror mode display.
  3. Highlight the device to mirror.
  4. Press [Learn] [x] [Enter] to record the macro.

To create a macro to exit mirror mode:

  1. With the console in mirror mode, press [Learn] [x] [Enter]
  2. Press ALT + F2.
  3. Press [Learn] to finish recording the macro.

Once the macros are created, you should save the show and set all User IDs back.

Using Mirror Mode on a Client without a Dongle

A client without a dongle can connect to the network. When this is done, the client can only operate in mirror mode, and it will always connect to the primary processor. No other options will be available.