Find and Replace

The Find and Replace controls are available in the Sheets tab (Design and Program/Simulate views only) and in the Report tab (Time Events, Macro, Patch, and Network views). Click the [Open find and replace controls] button in the upper right corner of the view to display the Find and Replace controls.


  1. In the Find text field, type the text for which you want to search. You can include * (asterisk) and ? (question mark) wild cards in your search criteria.
  2. Press (Enter) to find the first instance of your search text in the spreadsheet, or click the [Find previous occurrence] or [Find next occurrence] buttons. Keyboard shortcuts for [Find next occurrence] are (F3) or (Ctrl)+(G).
  3. To edit the contents of the cell, click in the cell and press (Enter) or double-click in the cell.


  1. In the Find text field, type the text that you want to find and replace.
  2. In the Replace with field, type the replacement text.
  3. Choose one of the following: