
Our Management

  • Sarah Danke

  • Sarah Danke

    Vice President of Marketing

    Sarah Danke started at ETC in August of 1990, having just graduated from Marquette University with a BA in journalism with an emphasis in public relations and marketing. She started doing a lot of administrative support and quickly moved into a customer service role. She became the manager of Customer Services, when ETC hired one part-time customer service representative. During this time, she was also managing our tradeshows, including builds and strikes. In 1998, she moved into a role as the interim Technical Services manager, which shortly turned into the permanent director of Technical Services role.

    In 2005, Danke relocated to London for a year to fill the role of general manager of ETC’s London office. In 2007, ETC combined Technical Services and the Systems group into one global department called Professional Services. At that time, Danke was named Vice President of Professional Services.

    Throughout her career at ETC, Danke has been instrumental in building ETC’s legendary customer service ethic. She continues to act as a major customer advocate as ETC’s Vice President of Marketing, taking up this role in 2024. Her team includes product managers, technical writers, product trainers, video production staff, promotions and advertising personnel, and web developers.

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