ETC on tour with The Trocks
Date Posted: 8/10/2016

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
was founded in 1974 by a group of ballet enthusiasts for the purpose of presenting a playful, entertaining view of traditional, classical ballet in parody form and en travesti. The Trocks, as they are affectionately known, first performed in the late-late shows in Off-Off Broadway lofts. After receiving favourable reviews, their popularity grew and they were discovered by a wider audience. The Trocks have since gone on to tour the world, with prolonged engagements in many major cities.

For the German-leg of the latest tour, Troisdorf-based full-service event technology provider Showconcept supplied the technical equipment and staging for the ensemble. Showconcept manager Heiko Schallenberg has been involved in a variety of high-profile touring productions in Germany, including
Rock the Ballet
, and has consistently had positive experiences with ETC products. This led him to specify a package for this production that included ETC
Source Four®
fixtures, an
control console, and an

The performance includes scenes from
Swan Lake
Don Quixote
and, according to Schallenberg, "Lighting the ballet with the right fixtures was one of the most important criteria. The Source Four was the natural choice as it offers brilliant optics and gives you a clear and uniform beam."
The Ion console has proven to be an ideal control desk for the Trockadero tour. With its compact footprint and up to 6144 outputs, this member of the
family is the perfect solution for space-challenged environments and touring productions. As a backup for the Ion, Schallenberg added an ETCnomad, which is small enough to fit on a keychain. In combination with an ETC Gadget USB to DMX/RDM converter and a laptop, the ETCnomad can easily take over the tasks of a large console, if required.
"We choose ETC gear for touring productions because the equipment is so reliable and requires very little maintenance," says Schallenberg.