
Do Not Share My Personal Info

  • Some states provide its residents (or in some cases, an authorized agent on behalf of the resident) with the right to opt out of targeted advertising, selling, or sharing of personal information.  Please visit your CA Privacy Rights for more information about your rights and ETC’s privacy practices.

    The “sale” of personal information under California law is broadly defined to mean scenarios where we have disclosed personal information with partners for valuable consideration.  ETC does not sell your personal information.

    The California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”) also requires us to notify you if we “share” your personal information with third parties for targeted advertising to you based on personal information obtained from your activity across ETC websites, apps and services. While not a regular occurrence, we do disclose your identifiers and internet or other network activity with Service Providers.

    You may click on the toggle button on our cookie banner to opt out of these activities consistent with applicable law. Please note, if you clear your cookies on this browser, or visit our website using a different browser or device, you may need to opt out again. You may also contact us toll-free at 877-512-2306 to submit your opt-out request by telephone.

    Alternatively, you may submit your request via this opt-out form. 








    If you are not making this request on your own behalf, please provide the following additional details:




    Additional Requirements for Authorized Agents

    If you are making this request as an authorized agent, please email either (1) a written and signed authorization from the individual that is the subject of this request, indicating you have authority to submit this request, or (2) a power of attorney from the individual that is the subject of this request. Send emails to

    As required by law, we will contact you to confirm your identity and may ask you to provide additional documentation. We may deny requests from agents that do not submit sufficient proof of their authority to make rights requests. Furthermore, we may require the subject of the privacy request to verify their own identities or confirm that their agents have permission to submit rights requests on their behalf. Requests may be denied if they cannot be verified or confirmed.


  • There are some universal tools, where available, that automatically communicate your opt-out preferences. An example of this is the Global Privacy Control ( We will honor your GPC signal as a request to opt out. Please note, if you do exercise your opt-out rights, you may continue to receive advertising, including ads based on your personal information that were processed before you opted out.

    ETC reserves the right to require additional information from an authorized agent who is purporting to act on your behalf. WE may require that the registered agent to provide proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request on your behalf.  We may also require you to verify your identity directly with us or to directly confirm with us that you gave the authorized agent permission to submit the request on your behalf.