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Where do I find information about Hog Training?
Hog training is available at the Education outposts, so check the US office locations on the Training page, or contact
What’s the difference between the online training and the video tutorials?
The online classes have quizzes to test your knowledge as you go through each chapter, as well as a certificate that you can print. The video tutorials do not.
Where can I download the Hog training viz files?
Visualization files used for Hog training can be found directly on Capture’s website,
Where can I download Eos training viz files?
Visualization files can be found in the gray Download area on each level page or on the Workbooks page -
Do the viz files work with a Mac computer?
Yes! Visualization files can be used on MAC (.APP) or Windows 10 (.EXE)
Which console training session is right for me?
ETC offers console training at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for both ETC and Hog console platforms. You can find detailed descriptions for the Eos console training
here. Find a training outpost and check the Calendar of Events here -
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Where do I find in-person training courses for Element or Ion?
The Eos software is the same in all the consoles, therefore learning on an Ion Xe, Gio , or Eos Ti will still help you with programming on the Ion and Element and Element 2. We recommend letting the trainer know if you work on an Element or
classic Ion and they will be able to point out where you might encounter differences with certain features.
I’d like someone to come to my school and provide training for my staff and students. What does it cost?
Please contact the Education Center at or 608-824-5170. Pricing varies depending on size of group, material to be presented, number of days, and, to some extent, what the customer is really looking for.
Which console training session is right for me?
ETC offers console training at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for both ETC and Hog console platforms. You can find detailed descriptions for the Eos console training
here. Find a training outpost and check the Calendar of Events here -
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Where can I download the workbooks?
Where can I download the educational posters and e-book ?
To help educators better understand and explain the basic elements of stage lighting, ETC offers a free eBook, A Guide for Lighting the stage, as well as a series of stage lighting poster sets. All materials can be downloaded here -
Which console training session is right for me?
ETC offers console training at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels for both ETC and Hog console platforms. You can find detailed descriptions for the Eos console training
here. Find a training outpost and check the Calendar of Events here -
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How can I become an Authorized Service Provider for ETC?
To become an Authorized Service Provider for ETC, you must be employed or contracted by an ETC Dealership, ETC Representative agency or other authorized ETC partner. The process of becoming an ETC Authorized Service Provider begins by completing
a series of online classes that include product overviews and cover some industry basics. Anyone is able to take this course through our online learning platform LearningStage. You can learn more about the full qualifications here
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Where can I find classes for ETCP and AIA continuing education credits?
Most of the live and virtual classes we hold can be used to obtain CE credits for ETCP certification. The number of credits earned is based on the length of the class. You can see the number of credits in the course descriptions
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Where can I learn more about how to use Paradigm LightDesigner?
Paradigm LightDesigner, is a configuration tool used to configure and program Paradigm systems by authorized service
providers. If you are looking to make changes to your Paradigm configuration you may not need the full software suite. The built in Web-UI and processor menus provide access to record presets, monitor system status, and configure times