
Working with an online networked system, but not in Live Edit mode, Concert determines if the values of the device(s) on the network and the values in the Concert configuration differ. When these values are different, the device will display a Sync Status icon in red, meaning it is out of sync, and the Synchronize Configuration button is enabled. Click the Synchronize Configuration button to process a configuration sync. The Synchronize Devices dialog displays for resolution.

Synchronize Devices Dialog

The Synchronize Devices dialog shows when there is a difference between the configuration of hardware devices discovered on the network and the configuration data that is present in ETC Concert.

Resolve the conflicting device data by selecting which configuration values should be used for each device; either the values identified in the actual networked device or the values identified in the Concert configuration. Each device with conflicting data can be resolved individually or collectively by selecting the check box for either All Network Device Values or All Concert Config Values.

Click Synchronize to set the preferred action. The dialog closes and the data is either sent or retrieved depending on the selection. The status for the selected devices updates.