Keyboard Navigation

Improved keyboard navigation inside the Online Devices and Device Configurations table, includes cell to cell as well as in and out of "Edit" mode for a cell that is currently selected (in focus).

Table Navigation

  • Double-right-clicking on a column header selects all cells in that column.
  • Clicking on a row number selects the entire row.
  • Clicking the top left header cell selects all rows and columns in the table.

Cell to Cell Navigation and Editing

  • Pressing (Tab) while in-cell editing accepts the changes and progresses to the next cell in the row.
  • Pressing (Shift) + (Tab) while in-cell editing accepts the changes and progresses to the previous cell in the row.
  • Pressing (Tab) when a cell is not in edit mode changes the focus to the next cell in the row.
  • Pressing (Shift) + (Tab) when a cell is not in Edit mode changes the focus to the previous cell in the row.
  • Pressing (Enter) while in-cell editing, accepts the changes and progresses to the next row in the table.
  • Pressing (Shift) + (Enter) while in-cell editing, accepts the changes and progresses to the previous row in the table.
  • Pressing (Esc) while in-cell editing, cancels any changes.

In-Cell Editing

  • Double-clicking on a cell enters Edit mode where all existing characters are selected and ready to be overwritten.
  • Pressing (F2) with a cell in focus, enters Edit mode where the cursor is in the cell ready to append to the existing text.
  • Any alpha-numeric key-press with a cell in focus, enters Edit mode where all existing characters are selected and ready to be overwritten.

Combo-Box Editing

  • Double-clicking (or pressing (F2)) with focus on a cell, enters Edit mode and displays the combo-box where the current choice is selected.
  • Any alpha-numeric key-press with a focus on a cell, enters Edit mode where the character typed will attempt to match the first character of the available choices. If a match is found, that choice is selected.

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