sACN Formats

sACN port universe format can be entered in any of the following ways:

  • UniverseClosed - An example of this format can be 1. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN Universe 1 and listens or outputs on all 512 addresses of sACN universe 1.
  • Universe/AddressClosed - An example of this format can be 2/50. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN Universe 2 and listens or outputs on only address 50 of sACN universe 2.
  • Universe/Address:LengthClosed - An example of this format can be 101/1:250. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN universe 101, and listens or outputs only on DMX addresses 1 through 250.
  • Universe:LengthClosed - An example of this format can be 2:150. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN universe 2 and listens or outputs on only the first 150 DMX addresses.
  • /AddressClosed - This is an EDMX-like value where the universe and address is calculated. An example of this format can be /1025. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN universe 3 address 1 and listens or outputs on only DMX address 1.
  • /Address:LengthClosed - This is an EDMX-like value where universe is calculated. An example of this format can be /1025:50. This example means that Port 1 Universe is assigned to sACN universe 3 and listens or outputs only on DMX addresses 1 through 50.

Use the following format to specify a Dimmer Doubling address:

  • 1 DD 2
  • 1/40 DD 2
  • 1 DD 2/80
  • 1/40 DD 2/80
  • 7 DD

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