Next Generation Color
Color plays a vital role in setting the mood, atmosphere, and overall aesthetic of any visual experience, whether a theatrical performance, a concert, or an architectural installation. At ETC, we are driven by a deep passion for color, continuously striving
to integrate the latest and most advanced color technologies into our applications.
Our next generation color system reflects the latest in color innovation at ETC. This technology features an advanced gradient dichroic system and a precise linear mixing curve, enabling the seamless and uniform creation of colors, regardless of focus.
Notably, this innovative color gradient technology ensures flawless linear saturation, faithfully replicating color picking systems found in the most cutting-edge lighting control consoles on the market.
Advanced Dichroic Mixing (ADM) System
ETC’s patented Advanced Dichroic Mixing (ADM) System features six color sets. This selection of twelve color flags yields brighter colors, more consistent pastels, along with deeper saturation. The ADM System can be controlled in a simple combined
mode, or users can program on a more granular level with individual flag control.

VersaColor simplifies color selection. Its chromatic order layout makes it effortless to explore different shades. A wide selection of hues and saturations are easily accessed by simply scrolling through the pre-programmed control channel.
VersaColor utilizes 14 unique shades of dichroic glass, which ultimately yield a stunning palette of 60 distinct colors. A lightning-fast transition between any color with blink mode adds a quick, and consistent way to move between colors without
losing color continuity from color wheel movements.
QuadraTech creates unique and visually striking effects, both in washes and aerial displays. The innovative wheel design allows for unique looks, resulting in beautiful color combinations at your fingertips.
The color wheels can be aligned into quadrants, allowing the display of four colors at once. This opens up 64 possible combinations. Add in patterns for even more visual interest.
LED Engine Technology
ETC’s LED engines are built to last an extremely long time, making them sustainable and replaceable to ensure luminaire longevity. While most users will never need to replace an engine, it's a hassle-free process without voiding your warranty.
Additionally, there's no need to dispose of the heat sink; it can be kept for continued use.
Dimming Control
In performance lighting, the fade is everything. High End Systems fixtures dim very smoothly and feature a slow bottom dimming curve for a beautiful fade out. The default dimming curve (16 kHz) also avoids the electronic buzz that many fixtures
make with slower PWM speeds, making them highly valued in acoustically sensitive environments.
In on-camera applications, PWM dimming can cause scan lines or other artifacts. High End Systems fixtures prioritize a high refresh rate, ensuring that flickering and strobing is no longer a problem.
Trifusion Frost
High End Systems moving lights feature up to three distinct frosts: light, medium, and heavy. Each frost flag can be used separately by the programmer.
With Trifusion Frost, we've simplified the process for operators to combine these three frosts effortlessly. The fixture does the calculations, allowing the programmer to select a single channel to control all three diffusions and set their desired
frost level. This user-friendly feature makes achieving the perfect lighting effect a breeze.
Whisper Home
Whisper Home is absolute pan and tilt positioning, so the fixture always knows its position, and does not need to go through its full range of motion to perform a complete reset.
Furthermore, Whisper Home allows users to set pan/tilt limits on the fixture, allowing it to fit into tight spaces that a traditional moving light couldn’t, without any collisions. Now, your fixtures are safe and will never hit the set, neighboring
fixture, or truss!
Exclusive HD Lithography Gobos
High End Systems has been a leader in custom lithography gobos for decades, and ETC has worked tirelessly at continuously elevating the quality of our gobo patterns, ensuring that the best possible feature set is available from our moving lights.
Our latest fixtures feature exclusive patterns from leading gobo designers Exactly 13. After extensive testing, the product development team at ETC selected patterns that work best with our fixtures, giving the perfect mix of aerials and breakups.
This gobo selection makes our luminaires extremely versatile for any environment, ranging from pop tours to musical and theatre settings, as well as rental applications.
Linear Fan Control
In venues where silence is crucial, like concert halls, broadcast facilities, and opera houses, keeping noise to a minimum is a top priority. ETC stands out in the industry by offering the quietest framing luminaires available, meeting the strict
requirements of even the most sensitive acoustics.
The fan control channel is a key feature, allowing users to manage ambient noise levels. Instead of a standard linear fan control, operators can choose the noise level appropriate for the venue or a specific cue.

For situations demanding absolute silence, the SolaFrame Studio and SolaFrame Theatre offer a completely fanless experience. These fixtures are the pinnacle of convection-cooled lighting, setting the standard for noise control and quality.
No matter how you choose to use the fan modes or fanless fixtures, the light engines are always protected to provide bright and vibrant light for the full rated and warrantied life of the engine.
Built-in Networking Conversion to DMX Dynamic
As lighting setups grow more intricate, simplifying data distribution is a key concern for designers. High End Systems fixtures provide incredible flexibility in data infrastructure by offering options like ArtNet, sACN, or DMX.
Many High End Systems fixtures come standard with Networking Conversion to DMX, offering even greater adaptability. In addition, data continues to flow through the fixture, even when it's switched off, ensuring seamless connectivity and data
LED Engine Animation
High End Systems pioneered LED Engine Animation, which is the ability to control the intensity of various sections of the Bright White LED engine. Beyond simply turning the LED engine on or off, this unique animation feature can create engaging
projection, scan, or wave effects. Fade and speed are individually controllable, adding even more versatility to your effects package.
NFC, or Near Field Communication, makes fixture setup easy and efficient. Simply download the free Set Light app and you can configure your fixtures with a tap. Quickly see fixture configuration options and set them in an instant. It even
works when the fixture isn’t powered.
TM-30 Filter
Many applications demand the highest output. However, these applications sometimes require additional versatility in spectral performance. For those times ETC pioneered the TM-30 correction filter, which raises the TM-30 (and CRI) values when
needed. This easy-to-use filter is available on the color wheel of many of our fixtures and can be programmed into or removed from any looks as a designer chooses.
Our TM-30 filter is custom designed in our dichroic labs in Austin, Texas, USA to remove some of the color spikes present in LED fixtures and balance out the overall spectrum that the fixture is transmitting. This allows the fixture to present
a more balanced output and increases the beauty of the light on skin, clothes, and many other surfaces.
Multiple Prisms
High End Systems fixtures offer several unique prism options. The (4 facet) linear prisms give controllable stage-wide effects that are indexed or continuously rotating depending on your design requirement; the (5 facet) star prism is perfect
for large aerial looks and abstract stage breakups. Both prisms can be used simultaneously for even more versatility.
Angular Animation Control
Featured in fixtures such as Halcyon, angular animation control allows users to select the animation angle that works best for each design. Fixtures placed in different positions on the stage can align animation directions, allowing for stage-wide
Framing Shutters
ETC framing modules are specially designed in their relation to gobo wheels, which results in vast improvements in shuttering on gobo projection. Using four planes gives greater flexibility in terms of shapes and positions that programmers
wish to create, and extended gate rotation offers far more versatility for programmers in their framing use.
The ETC approach to modularity is to emphasize easy replacement to any module or feature, not just the light engine. All High End Systems fixtures are designed with modularity in mind, and with light engines that have always been replaceable.
HaloGraphic Pixel Definition
HaloGraphic Pixel Definition enhances both the fixture's appearance and the light it produces. Designed to bring out the character of the light, the lenses have a slight diffusion added to their edges which causes them to light up brilliantly
matching the primary LED color, while simultaneously causing an illusion of the center of the lens being darker. In positions throughout the zoom range, this unique treatment gives various effects and creates the distinctive look that
sets these wash fixtures apart.
FleX Effects Engine
The FleX Effects Engine provides a broad range of user-friendly and easily adaptable effects, removing the necessity for complex programming. FleX Effects are infinitely adjustable to suit your preferences instead of being preset effects
with no customizability. Let the audience be stunned by the remarkable effects you create effortlessly with the FleX Effects Engine.