
Daniel “Secko” Ganado

Date Posted: 1/25/2021

Daniel “Secko” Ganado

Daniel “Secko” Ganado, LD, Programmer at NextLevelStudio: Sin Bandera, Marco Antonio Solis, Los Temerarios, 4 Latidos Tour (with Camila & Sin Bandera)
"I recently used for the second time the new Hog 4-18 at the Arena Cuidad de Mexico in Mexico City for the 4 Latidos tour with Camila & Sin Bandera. The hardware changes - the larger 18.5-inch screens and accessory arm mounts - are very good and positive for the operator. The video outputs and the processor were good changes. My favorite software features are the plots, SMPTE time code, the change type and the connection to the visualizers. I have been a Hog console user for a long time. I went from High End Systems’ Status Cue console to using a Hog 500 and from there, I’ve continued with the brand over the years."