

  • EU Eos Training

    Augment3d and Effects

    In this two-part course, the topic of Augment3d will be covered in the morning and the topic of effects in the afternoon.

    Eos Intensives are a new training initiative which focus on a specific console feature. Each Intensives class will focus on a different feature and we will do a deep-dive into this function, covering them in greater detail than in the regular Eos console training classes. You should have a good foundation knowledge of the Eos operating system and syntax before attending these sessions.

    Part One: Augment3d

    Augment3d is so much more than a visualiser. This session is aimed at introducing you to the Augment3d workflow, giving you several practical examples and use-cases of how and when to start incorporating Augment3d into your workflow, and why you should. We explore the world of 3D programming, showing you time-saving uses for Augment3d as well other tips and tricks for improving your workflow and programming prowess as you move into the exciting world of lighting in 3D.

    Part Two: Effects

    Join us as we take a deep-dive into the world of Effects. We will explore all the features of the Eos effects engine, covering simple and complex effects in all categories: Step-based, Absolute and Relative. We will explore the effects package showing you how to create dynamic effects covering the theory as well as giving you practical examples and exercises to help you to hone your skills as an Eos programmer.

    You should have a good foundation knowledge of the Eos operating system and syntax before attending these sessions.

    To refresh your knowledge of Eos, we recommend our online courses: Eos für Anfänger and Eos für Fortgeschrittene

    Limited number of participants! Training duration 9:30 - 17:00. The training is free of charge. Registrations will be considered as they are received.

    For questions and information, please contact us directly at +49 (0)8024 47 00-0