Connecting Amigo via WiFi

To operate your ColorSource AV console from a web browser, please follow these steps:

Automatic Connection with QR code

Your ColorSource AV console must be connected to a WiFi access point to connect via the QR code. You must login to that same device on your phone or tablet. Usually it will be password protected and often you may find the password written on the underside of the access point or router itself, if not you must ask the person providing the WiFi service for the correct password. Remember: anyone who knows the WiFi password may be able to operate the console remotely.

Note: If the QR code is not visible, your console is not currently connected to a network.

Note: A QR reader is required for automatic connection with QR code.

  1. Open the Setup>Settings>Basic or Setup>Settings>Network tab.
  2. Snapshot the QR code. You may need to wait a few moments for a connection be established.

Setting Up Your Computer, Phone, or Tablet

Open the Setup>Settings>Network tab on your ColorSource AV console.

Note: Auto is enabled by default on your console, and may be on your device as well.

Entering Addresses Manually

  1. Find the IP address of the console on the Setup>Settings>Basic or Setup>Settings>Network tab. This is four sets of numbers separated by periods. For example: (the actual numbers may be different)
  2. Connect a computer to the network port, or to a network switch that is connected to the network port.
  3. Make sure the computer is in the same IP address range. The first two sets of IP address digits need to be the same. If they are not, then the computer will need to be restarted while connected to the ColorSource console network. The computer should then find an address starting with either 192 or 169. If you are using manual addressing, you must also manually address the computer accordingly.

Connecting To Amigo

  1. Open your internet browser. Supported browsers include: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer v11.
  2. On the address line, type http:// then the IP address followed by a colon and then the digits 8080. Example: If the ColorSource IP address is displayed as, type: [Enter]. The full text to type will display under the QR code in the Basic and Network tabs.

See also: