Device > Displays

See Live and Blind Configuration Menu and Playback Status Display Configuration for additional display settings.

{Show Ref Labels}

When enabled, referenced record targets (such as presets or palettes) with labels will have their labels displayed rather than their target type and number. Enabled by default.

{Show Reference Labels} is a global setting that will affect all displays. For some displays such as live and blind, {Show Reference Labels} can be enabled at the individual tab level by accessing the tab's configuration menu. This will override the setting in Setup.

Default Display Order

Determines the appearance of the Workspace Layout Menu.

{In-Cell Editing}

When disabled, this setting prevents changes to be made to the cells in the Live/Blind and Playback Status Displays. {In-Cell Editing} is enabled by default.

Note:  Options in the CIA are not affected by this setting.

{DirSel.Dbl Clk}

When enabled, double clicking a direct select button will act as [Recall From] [Record Target] to place the entire contents of that preset, palette, or step-based effect on stage. Disabled by default.

{Force Hide Encoder Ribbon}

Note:  This option is only available on ETCnomad.

When enabled, forces the encoder ribbon to stay hidden. Disabled by default.

Record Target Color Brightness

Sets the brightness of record target colors. Defaults to 50%.