Follow / Hang

A follow automatically activates the next cue in the sequence when the follow time of the associated cue has elapsed. The follow time begins counting from the moment the cue is executed.

The hang time is also an auto-follow, but rather than counting from the moment the cue is executed, it is calculated from the completion of the cue. You can assign a negative value to a hang time, allowing a subsequent cue to overlap an active cue.

You can assign either a follow time or a hang time, but not both. Both features are accessed using the [Shift] & [Delay] keys on the console or the softkey {Fw/Hg}. [Shift] & [Delay] or {Fw/Hg} will put Follow on the command line, and [Shift] & [Delay] [Delay] or double pressing {Fw/Hg} will put Hang.

In the Playback Status Display, any cue that will be triggered by a follow or hang will have an arrow before the cue number. See Indicators in the Playback Status Display. This indicator can be disabled in the Playback Status Display Configuration menu.

Following are some examples of use:

To remove a Follow /Hang time:

Cues with follow / hang times cannot also have associated Cue Alerts.