Cue Alerts

Eos can learn the time between manual [Go] commands in the same cue list and, in future runs, display a cue alert timer counting down to the next expected [Go]. The cue alert timer is informational only and is not a follow time (see Follow / Hang).

Learning Alerts

From Live, use [Learn] {Learn Alert Time} to start learning alert timings. [Learn] will flash and Learning Alerts After GO will display above the command line. Use [Learn] again to stop learning alert timings.

Alerts in the Playback Status Display

The Alert column can be enabled in the PSD via the Playback Status Display Configuration menu.

When alerts are being learned, a count-up timer appears in red in the Alert column after each manual [Go] command. After the next [Go], the time is stored and the process repeats.

Once alerts have been learned, after a manual [Go], the recorded time in the Alert column will begin counting down.

When the countdown is below 5 seconds, the time will change to gold, and the alert advisory sound will play.

When the countdown reaches 0, the time will change to green and display until the next manual [Go].

Alert Sounds

The alert advisory sound can be enabled and adjusted in volume, or disabled via Setup > Device > Face Panel > Sounds.

Editing Alerts

{Alert Time} appears as a softkey option when one or more [Cue] is on the command line in Live or Blind. Times can be entered directly or adjusted with [+] and [-].