Multi-Console Setup

When using multiple Eos devices on the network, you should adjust some of the settings to ensure optimal functionality.

Additional requirements for multi-console setup include:

Note:  It is recommended that you perform the following setting changes before connecting your device(s) to the network. After the changes are complete, connect to the network and reboot the device.

Designate Primary

By default, all Eos devices will boot as a primary. When using multiple Eos devices on the network, only one should be designated as a primary. Other Eos devices should be configured as the backup (only one per system) or clients.

To change this setting, you must exit the Eos software (Browser>Exit) and then designate the Eos device as primary, backup, or client in the ECU Welcome Screen (see ECU Welcome Screen).

DHCP Server

DHCP server supplies IP addresses to network devices. Only one Eos device (typically the Primary) on the network is necessary to do this properly. Therefore you should disable the DHCP server on all Eos devices except for the intended primary.

To disable the DHCP server on your Eos device, go to ECU > Settings > Network > DHCP Service. See Device.

Change Device Name

To easily identify your Eos on the network, change the device name to be representative of the device (such as “Booth Primary” or “Tech Backup”). This is done in ECU > Settings > General. See Device Name.

Backup Auto Take Control

Switches to the backup automatically if the primary should go offline. This is enabled in Setup > System > Session.

Backup at Higher Priority

This enables the backup device in a multi-console system to take over at one priority higher than the primary if the primary goes offline. This is enabled in Patch > Protocols > sACN

Network Type

This setting adjusts the timeout period before a backup device will take control from the primary. This is done in ECU > Settings > Network > Interface Protocols. See Network Type.

Change IP Address

Each Eos device on the network should be given a unique IP address. If running multiple devices of the same type (for example - two consoles, or two RPUs), you must alter the default static IP addresses to ensure proper functionality. For a list of the default IP addresses for Eos devices, see Network

Changing the static IP address is done through the ECU (see Settings > Network ). Manually change the IP address of any non-primary Eos device by clicking in the IP Address field and entering the new number from the keyboard. When done, press [Enter].

Note:  It is recommended that you alter the very last digit of the static IP address by an increment of one for each additional Eos device on the network. Therefore, if the primary ends in “101”, change the backup to end is “102”, a client to end in “103” and so on.

Output in Client Mode

Consoles in client or backup mode by default will not output on their local DMX ports. This option is found in Setup > System > Output. Click on {Output in Client mode} to enable the ability to output.