Set Control Function Dialog

  1. Open a station for simulation by double-clicking the station icon from within the Plan workspace, or right click on the station in the Browser and select "Open Simulation" from the context menu. A graphical representation of the selected station displays in a new floating window.

    Set Control Function, Station Simulation

    Note: When adding a Contact Station to the configuration, control functions are set in the Browser by first selecting the specific Contact (Input or Output) control then using the Property Editor to set the Control and Indicator Functions. To open or close a contact in the Program/Simulate view, right-click on the contact button in simulation and select , "Open Contact" or "Close Contact" from the context menu.

  2. Right-click on a button, fader control, or knob and select "Set Control Function" from the context menu. The "Set Control Function" dialog displays the control's current configured control function assignment, if any.

    Tip: Alternatively, press ALT from your alphanumeric keyboard and click an indicator or control to set the control function using the Property Editor. Select multiple controls by pressing CTRL+ALT and clicking additional indicators or controls to set shared properties in the Property Editor.

  3. Set the control function of the selected control from the "Control Function" drop-down menu. When the control function is selected the description of the default control functions display next to the drop-down list. Additionally, the default action type will be selected according to the control function and the object type list auto-populates with the related object types for the selection.

    Set Control Function

  4. Note: When a button is assigned a Maintained Button control function, additional properties display in the Property Editor that enable Paradigm to evaluate the state of the maintained button at boot. This feature ensures its associated action runs after the station is bound, even if the contact is open.

    Note: When configuring a knob control (Paradigm Inspire 4-Button with Fader only), the Knob Rotation action allows functional configuration of specific features such as hue, saturation, and intensity (HSI Color Mode), color temperature (Color Temp Mode Adjust), and Studio Mode Adjust.
    Set Control Function, Knob Controls

    Note: When "Use color for Advanced access level items" is enabled in user access preferences, the objects that are listed in blue (default color) text are available to advanced user access only.

  5. Filter the available object control options in the list by selecting an object type from the "Object Type" drop-down menu for each action.

    Set Control Function, Object Type

  6. For each default action type (Button Press, Button Action, Button Up, Button Down, Push, Double-tap, Hold, Turn On, Turn Off, etc.) that is defaulted by the control function, select the object type from the first column (e.g. Preset Activate (LTP). The second column of filtering criteria will populate depending on your selections. Continue selecting from the columns of data until the final object has been set.

    Note: For control functions that have more than one action (e.g. Momentary Triple Action Button, Maintained Button, Occupancy Sensor with Delay, etc.), be sure to set the control options for all actions.

  7. Double-click on the final object in the column or click [OK]. The Set Control Function dialog closes and the selected button or fader is labeled with the newly assigned action and the Property Editor displays the selected control functions.