About Snapshots

Snapshots are record targets that store the current state of your console's control surface and external monitor configuration. These can then be recalled to instantly reset the console and displays to the state stored in the snapshot. You can choose which parts of the front panel and displays you wish to store as a part of the snapshot.

When you record a snapshot, aspects of the Eos user-interface, based on user-preference, are stored so that you can recall them in the future. This allows you to bring the console back to a desired state quickly.

Snapshots can be used on RPUs or RVIs to change what is currently displayed on the external monitors and how that information is displayed.

Snapshot contents are global. They can be stored and recalled on any control interface, other than Net3 RFRs. When recorded, they store the relevant settings of the device initiating the record. When recalled, they recall only the controls that are appropriate on the device the snapshot is recalled.

Note:  Snapshots that store the faders do not include the active cue in a fader. They only include pending cues and fader attributes.

Snapshots of just a single monitor can also be recorded. See Recording Snapshots.