Element Video Learning Series
ETC-quality training from anywhere
If you have the Element 2 console, you
might want to go to the Eos Level 1 tutorial
Do you want to know all about your classic Element console? Want to build on what you learned at an in-person training? Or do you want your colleagues or students to brush up on their console knowledge? If you are ready to learn more about your console, the
Element Video Learning Series is for you!
We've taken the same program we do at our console-training events and created an online series of videos with available workbooks so you can experience hands-on ETC training at your pace and at your location. You can learn by simply watching the videos, or
optimize your learning experience by adding your console or a computer running ETCnomad Software (offline client), a computer with visualization software and the downloadable ETC workbook and show file to work along with the videos.
The current version of software is v3.1. Some features have changed since these videos were shot. If a feature isn’t working as described, please check the
Element Classic Manual.