Level Indicators
A level indicator is used to display a visual representation of a level in the system without providing a means of control for that level. Level indicators can be useful when users log in at an access level that has other controls hidden, and provides system information without the ability to change levels within the system. There are three types of level indicators available in ControlDesigner including Linear Level Indicator, Dial Level Indicator, and Digital Level Indicator.
Details on how to set each property is defined in Control Properties.
A linear level indicator shows a level similar to a fader but without a fader knob. Graphically this may look like a bar graph. Linear Level Indicators have the following unique properties in addition to the Basic Properties:
- Label – the text label for the level indicator
- Label Position - the vertical and horizontal alignment of the level indicator label text
- Label Font - the font used to display the level indicator label text
- Label Color - the color of the text displaying the level indicator label
- Label Size - the height of the text (in pixels)
- Orientation – allows you to change the level indicator orientation to either horizontal or vertical
A dial level indicator will display as a rotary gauge, displaying levels as an analogue dial. Dial level indicators have the following unique properties in addition to the Basic Properties:
- Label – the text label for the level indicator
- Label Position - the vertical and horizontal alignment of the level indicator label text
- Label Font - the font used to display the level indicator label text
- Label Color - the color of the text displaying the level indicator label
- Label Size - the height of the text (in pixels)
A digital level indicator will display as a label with a number percentage form 0% - 100% or a raw value of 0-255. Digital level indicators have the following unique properties in addition to the Basic Properties:
- Text Font - the font used to display the level percentage text
- Text Color - the color of the text displaying the level percentage
- Text Alignment - the vertical and horizontal alignment of the text displaying the level percentage
- Text Size - the height of the text (in pixels) of the level percentage
- Label – a text label for the level indicator
- Label Position - the vertical and horizontal alignment of the level indicator label text
- Label Font - the font used to display the level indicator label text
- Label Color - the color of the text displaying the level indicator label
- Label Size - the height of the text (in pixels) of the label text
- Format – allows you to change the level text as a number percentage form (0%-100%) or a raw value or 0-255
Reference Control Properties for instructions to configure each property.