
All popups contained in a configuration are displayed in the Popup Browser for easy reference and recall.

A popup is similar to a page with a few differences:

A popup is also similar to a control in that a popup is created in the same way as any other control. A popup can be moved and re-sized, and can have a number of states to provide a unique appearance.

Popup Transitions

When a popup is displayed or hidden, several transitions can be set in the Property Editor including:

Add a New Popup

  1. Select the [Add Popup] tool from the toolbar. When draw mode is enabled and the mouse is hovered in the Page workspace, the mouse cursor changes to a "+" symbol.
  2. Simply draw the popup to the size of your choice on the Page workspace. You will be able to draw multiple popups of the same selected type until you exit draw mode or select a different control type or parent object to add to your configuration.

The popup can be moved and re-sized after it is drawn so you do not need be completely precise when initially drawing the popup. You can also copy and paste a popup, making it easy to create multiple popups of the same size and location.

Select a Popup

To select a popup you can:

Note: Selecting a popup that is currently hidden will make that popup visible above any other popups that are currently visible. Selecting a popup that is already visible will raise the popup above any other open popups. See Showing and Hiding a Popup.

Delete a Popup

To delete a popup from the configuration you can:

Showing and Hiding a Popup

To show a popup you can:

Note: Selecting a control from the Object Browser that is positioned in a currently hidden popup will also cause the popup to be displayed.

To hide a popup you can:

To hide all open popups you can:

If you have many popups open, you can close all but one popup by: