Button and Slider Properties

Selecting a button or slider control, either from the Browser or by selecting the control from a station in simulation, displays its properties in the Property Editor. Buttons and sliders share several common properties.

Property Editor Button

Property Editor Fader

Property Editor Knob

Tip: Properties that are specific to a button, slider, or knob control will be specified in the property description.

Note: In a Server Project certain objects will display a "Project Scope" property. Reference "Create Server Wide Controls" to understand this property and its use.

Note: Additional properties will display to further specify the selected controls function. Properties can become very specific depending on the selections made. For best results, completely specify an action property for each of the "Control Function" sub-property selections.

Note: Different indicator functions will have different indicator states. Different behaviors, such as color options for stations and sensors or various touchscreen button states, may be assigned to individual indicator states which allows for customization of indicator feedback.