Create Server Wide Controls

In server projects, certain objects span multiple sub-projects including Presets, Groups, Macros, Overrides, Timed Events, Palettes, Sequences. Control Groups and Triggers objects may exist in either scopes, project and server. Additionally, LightDesigner makes it possible to configure actions upon the server level objects across multiple projects simultaneously.

Presets and channel group actions support being scoped to individual sub-projects that they are directly related to or scoped to the entire server project. This is accomplished by modifying the "Project Scope" property of the individual control.

Project Scope Property Editor

Project Scope

Setting a control's "Project Scope" to "Server" will also set its Control Space property to (Server) Global. This implies the entire server wide object will be controlled. This setting can also be applied by selecting "(Server) Global" from the top of the Set Control Function dialog for configuring controls.

Server based controls allow a Project Scope setting of "Server" or an individual sub-project. Server based controls include Virtual Touchscreens, BACnet I/O Panel, individual macro steps and timed events within the configuration.

Individual stations within sub-projects have only the choice of their local sub-project or Server to act across all sub-projects.