3.5 Adding Playback Wings

The physical playback controls of all Hog 4 Series consoles (including Hog 4 PC) can be expanded through the use of external USB playback wings.

The following playback wings are supported:

The following playback wings were supported on Hog 4 OS v3.9.0 and older but are no longer supported:

To attach a playback wing to the console:

  1. Apply AC power to the wing and connect the wing to the console via USB.

    For wings with a display, connect the DVI or VGA port on the back of the wing to one of the Console's display outputs. An adapter may be required.

  2. SetupControl PanelWings : open the Wings pane of the Control Panel window (see Figure 3.9, “Wings pane of the Control Panel with active front panel and wing docking assignments”).

  3. Use the Docking Assignment drop down menus to assign the playback wing's ID number to one or more playback bars.

  4. Press the Dock button to activate a playback bar's docking assignment.

    Docking a playback bar to its docking assignment can also be accomplished by holding the center Choose key on the console front panel and pressing the number on the numeric keypad that coordinates with the playback bar. For example, to dock Playback Bar 1 press and hold the center Choose key and then press the 1 key on the numeric keypad.

    Figure 3.9. Wings pane of the Control Panel with active front panel and wing docking assignments

    The wings pane of the control panel
  5. To show/hide a playback bar on the desktop, toggle it's button in the Control Panel. Playback Bars can also be shown/hidden on the desktop by holding the Pig key and pressing the number on the numeric keypad that coordinates with the playback bar. For example, to show/hide Playback bar 1 press and hold the Pig key and then press the 1 key on the numeric keypad.

  6. Once a playback bar is displayed on the desktop it can be enhanced to show more information. Right click on a playback bar to display the following options:

    • Hide Playback Bar: completely hides the playback bar from the desktop. Show/hide settings for playback bars are stored per physical console; not per show.

    • Beacon Wing: flashes the choose keys of the wing assigned to the playback bar.

    • Align Hog4Wing: aligns the playback bar's masters to match the physical layout of a Playback Wing 4 or Master Wing 4. This option is stored per playback bar, per show.

    • Toggle Dock Indicator: toggles on/off a dock button on the playback bar. This option is stored per playback bar, per show and is turned off for new shows.

    • Toggle Header: toggles on/off a header row that displays the playback bar's number and docking assignment. When the header is displayed in bold white text, the docking assignment is active. When the header text is displayed in regular grey text, the docking assignment is NOT active. This option is stored per playback bar, per show and is turned off for new shows.

  7. For wings with a built-in display: use the Displays tab of the Control Panel to configure the console's external monitor output settings.

    NOTE: The Full Boar 4’s DVI-D monitor output connections do not support analog output to VGA displays such as those featured on the older Full Boar 3 playback and programming wings.