This section covers which types of cuelist data can be imported/exported and the file formats supported for each.
To export all fundamental cuelist data from a show file into an XML document:
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Export button located at the top of the list directory window.
Select a file location for export, give the file a name, and press okay.
Once the export is complete a dialogue box will appear confirming export is complete. Press okay.
WARNING: Importing cuelist data into a show is an "all or none" process and is done on a replacement basis. All cuelist data written in the imported XML document will be included in the import and will overwrite the data in the show file with the data supplied in the XML document. However, XML data does not modify, delete, or alter fixture programming data in the show file. XML import only adds/modifies non-look data such as cuelist and cue names.
To import an XML file containing cuelist data into a show:
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory window.
Select an XML file to import and press okay.
If the import process is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or markup errors are detected the XML import WILL NOT complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the details button on the error to see more information about the errors detected in the XML document. Make note of the errors mentioned in the dialogue box, make the necessary adjustments to the XML document in a separate XML editor on your PC, save the file, and then re-attempt to import into Hog 4 OS.
The following cuelist data is supported for XML import into Hog 4 OS show files and should be formatted as demonstrated below:
Core Data: XML identification header, show name, software version XML was created with
Sample XML :
<?XML version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Hog xmlns:xsi="">
<Show name="TestShow" maj_version="3" min_version="4" patch_version="0" build="1225"/>
Cuelists: number, name, comments, color coding
Sample XML Data :
<Cuelist number="1" name="Main List" comment="Main Cuelist for Show" color="174 255 0"/>
Cues: number, name, comments, trigger data (wait, halt, follow, timecode, clock), milliseconds, time, start time
Sample XML Data:
<Cue number="1" name="PreShow" comment="Red Curtain Wash" trigger="wait" milliseconds="1000"/>
Regions/Markers created in Reaper (a dedicated Digital Audio Workstation Application) can be exported to a separate csv file that can be imported into Hog show files. Importing Reaper Region/Marker data does not modify, delete, or alter fixture programming data in the show file. Imported Reaper data only adds/modifies non-look data such as cuelist names, cue names, and timecode values for cues.
Ensure the Reaper project timeline is set to Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames (this can be set by right clicking on the timeline area of the Reaper application)
Open the Marker/Region Manager Window in Reaper (ctrl+alt+shft+R)
Look at the top right hand corner of the Marker/Region Manager Window and ensure the "marker" and "region" options are both checked
Right click inside the Marker/Region Manager window and select "Export regions/markers..."
Select an easy to access destination such as the desktop or an external USB flash drive and click okay. A separate csv file will now be created in that location which can be imported into Hog 4 OS using the import instructions provided in this chapter.
Regions are imported as cuelists and markers are imported as cues. Therefore, markers contained within a region's timespan are interpreted as cues within a cuelist.
If no regions are found in the csv file exported from Reaper then all markers will be imported into as a single cuelist which will be appended to the end of the list directory.
Markers are assigned cue numbers according to their relative timecode position within a region; therefore, a marker's ID number has no correlation to the cue number it is assigned during import.
Regions are assigned cuelist numbers according to their ID number in Reaper; therefore, a Region's ID number in Reaper and the cuelist number it is assigned during import are directly correlated.
The import will fail if reaper project contains regions that don't have markers. Be sure to check that all the regions in the Reaper project have at least one marker within them.
Importing Reaper data will not modify, delete, or alter fixture programming data in the show file. Importing Reaper data only adds/modifies non-look data such as cuelist and cue names and associated timecode values.
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory window.
Select the Region/Marker csv file previously exported from Reaper and press okay.
If the import is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming the import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or errors are detected the import WILL NOT complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the details button on the error to see more information about the errors detected in the csv file. Make note of the errors mentioned in the dialogue box, make the necessary adjustments in Reaper, re-export the region/marker csv file from Reaper, and then re-attempt to import into Hog 4 OS.
Transcript data created using Inqscribe (a dedicated transcript notation application) can be exported to a separate XML file which can be imported into Hog show files. Importing Inqscribe data does not modify, delete, or alter any existing cuelists data or fixture programming data in the show file. Importing Inqscribe data only results in a single new cuelist being appended to the show that contains the data transcribed in the Inqscribe project.
Open the Inqscribe transcript settings window. Make sure the "inserted timecode format" is set to one of the bracketed formats (if the timecode entries in the transcript are not bracketed the import will not succeed).
Create a transcript in Inqscribe. Refer to How Hog 4 OS interprets Inqscribe Data for help with creating a transcript that is compatible for Hog cuelist import.
Click on File, Export, and select XML.
Select an easy to access target destination such as the desktop or an external USB flash drive and click export. A separate XML file will now be created in that location which can be imported into Hog 4 OS using the import instructions provided in this chapter.
Each Inqscribe XML document is imported as a single cuelist which is appended to the end of the list directory as a new cuelist.
It is not possible to alter existing cuelist data using the cuelist import feature with Inqscribe exported XML files.
A bracketed timecode entry in the Inqscribe transcript is interpreted as a single cue entry with a time-code wait column value.
Plain text following a timecode entry is interpreted as the cue name for the cue that is generated for that timecode entry.
WARNING: A plain text entry MUST follow each and every timecode entry in your transcript, otherwise the XML export from Inscribe will not conform to the Hog import standard and cue data be missing/incorrect.
Here is an example of an Inscribe Transcript that is compatible with Hog cuelist import:
[00:00:10.12] Opening
[00:00:16.08] Add US Truss
[00:00:22.01] Color Change
[00:00:37.14] Tilt DS Fixtures
[00:00:53.23] Add Blue Pars
[00:01:18.03] Fan out to audience
[00:01:29.04] DSC Spot Solo
[00:01:39.19] Fade Out
List → Open : opens list directory window.
Press the Cuelist Import button located at the top of the list directory window.
Select the XML file previously exported from Inqsribe and press okay.
If the import is successful a dialogue box will appear confirming the import is complete. Press okay.
If non-conforming data or errors are detected the import WILL NOT complete and an error dialogue box will appear. Press the details button on the error to see more information about the errors detected in the XML file. Make note of the errors mentioned in the dialogue box, make the necessary adjustments in Inqsribe, re-export the XML file from Inqscribe, and then re-attempt to import into Hog 4 OS.