A channel is the control used by the console to operate a dimmer, a group of dimmers, a dimmer and a device, or a complete moving fixture.
Channels need to be associated with an address in Patch for there to be output.
Channel Counts
Both the ColorSource 20 and 40 can control up to 80 channels. Please note that additional channels only appear when patched.
Setting the Operating Mode
- Choose Simple or Complete mode on the Setup>Settings>General screen.
Fader Pages
- Simple Mode offers one page of faders to control the first 20 or 40 channels, depending on the model.
- Complete Mode offers up to four pages of faders to control all patched channels.
Working with Dimmers / Intensity
Channels can be controlled in several different ways:
- The faders, when in channel mode, can be used to control a channel's intensity. Depending on the chosen operating mode: Complete or Simple, there are one or two pages of channels that the faders can control. In Complete Mode toggle the Channel button to access each of the pages.
Note: Additional pages of channels are only available when channels have been patched on that page (above 21, 41, or 61).
- You can use the touchscreen and select channels directly on the Stage Map. The wheel can then be used to assign an intensity level.
- In complete mode, you can use the keypad to select a channel and assign an intensity level.
- In complete mode, channels can also be controlled by the playbacks, sequences, and cues. In simple mode, channels can be controlled by four playbacks.
Selected Channels
To make changes to channel values, a channel must be selected. Selection is indicated by a thick green border around the channel cell on the Stage Map and a lit LED beneath the channel fader. Selection can happen in a number of ways:
- Move a fader to select a channel. If the channel is already on due to playback, move the fader until it matches the channel's current output. Move the fader back to the bottom "zero" position to deselect it (and take its intensity to zero.)
- Touch the channel cell on the Stage Map. Touch the cell again to deselect it.
- Use the Keypad to type in the channel numbers and set levels.
- To deselect all selected channels, use Clear>Selection.
Captured Channels
Selected channels that have a manually set intensity level are considered "captured." This means that the selected channels' levels will be held until the channels are deselected or the manual intensity values are cleared.
If Clear>Channels is used, cleared manual intensity values will return to the levels coming from active playback sources immediately.
If manually set channels are simply deselected, manually set levels will remain on stage until those channels get a new move instruction from a playback source.
Note: A channel fader moved back to the bottom (or "zero") position will deselect that channel. You cannot hold a channel at zero intensity using a channel fader. Another selection method must be used.