Main Menu
Click on any of the menus items below to see items contained within that menu.
This clears the configuration in the Device Configurations table and starts a new configuration.
Opens a standard "Open file..." dialog to load a previously saved configuration file.
This function will merge/add a previously saved configuration file to the currently loaded configuration (shown in the Device Configurations window).
If a duplicate is found while reading the configuration file, you will be prompted to keep the existing entry (discarding the merging entry), overwrite the existing entry with the one being merged, or to keep the existing entry while also making a copy of the merging entry.
By default, a dialog opens to ask how you want to resolve any duplicate configurations. This can be disabled in Preferences. Once disabled, it will automatically apply what your last choice was. The default is to "Keep the current entry".
This will save your currently loaded device configuration to your hard drive.
Save As...
This will save your currently loaded device configuration to your hard drive with the option to change the file name and the location.
Import CSV
Selecting "Import CSV" from the (File) menu loads the "Device Configurations" table with a configuration that has been edited or created in a third party spreadsheet editor for the purpose of mass editing. See Import CSV topic for details of limitations with this feature.
Export CSV
Selecting "Export CSV" from the (File) menu saves the configuration content file to a Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) file format allowing a user to open the configuration for editing in a spreadsheet program. See Export CSV topic for details of limitations with this feature.
Please see the Preferences topic.
Unprotect IP Addresses...
The direct editing of IP addresses is password protected. It should be a rare occasion that you would need to edit any of the static IP address information of gateways, but if you do the password is "net3". You can also change the password within this dialog box if needed.
Show Log File
Exits GCE and, depending on the setting in the Network Services Tab, stops all of the Net3 services that were started by GCE (by default).
Insert New Device
This menu item, and its keyboard shortcut (Ctrl) + (I), displays a new dialog for creation of a new gateway.
The available types of gateways will vary depending on the gateway tab that is currently selected. For example, when the "DMX Gateways" tab is in focus, the One-Port, Two-Port and the Four-Port Gateways are the only types available for selection. The same applies for the Show Control, I/O Gateways, and Radio Focus Remotes tabs. With the All Devices tab in focus, all device types will be available for selection.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special...
Transfer devices from a table to a new destination using conventional "Cut", "Copy", "Paste" and "Paste Special..." tools. These tools are similar to those found in most PC based applications. Each tool has a keyboard shortcut which reduces the need for mouse controls.
- Cut (Ctrl) + (X)
- Copy (Ctrl) + (C)
- Paste (Ctrl) + (V)
- Paste Special (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (V). This option is only available when pasting a device in the "Device Configurations" table and allows you to specify what settings are to be pasted from the copied device.
Cut, Copy, Paste and Paste Special
Delete Entry
This menu item and its keyboard shortcut (Ctrl) + (D) deletes the selected device row entry from the table in focus.
Note: Deleting an entry (using either “Cut” or ”Delete Entry”) in the "Online Devices" table can be temporary. To make deleted entries immediately reappear, make sure all Online table entries are unselected and use the Refresh command (Ctrl) + (R) as found in the (Online) menu.
Edit Device Patch...
Selecting this function has different results depending on the type of device selected.
- If an DMX/RDM gateway is the selected device, the Advanced Input Patch (AIP) displays for edit of the input patch.
Note: The One-Port DMX gateway does not support AIP features.
To specify the dimmer doubling address in the "Address" field, use any of the following address formats:
- 1 DD 2
- 1/40 DD 2
- 1 DD 2/80
- 1/40 DD 2/80
- 7DD
If a Show Control gateway is the selected device, an "Edit" dialog displays with the MIDI/SMPTE tab selected for edit.
- If an I/O gateway is the selected device, the "Edit" dialog displays with the Analog tab selected.
- If an RFR base station is the selected device, the "Edit" dialog displays with the HF Properties tab selected.
Edit Device Configuration
This menu option along with its keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+E), double-clicking in the Status column, or right-clicking on any cell of an entry will open a multi-tabbed dialog where you can view and edit any of the gateways properties.
See the individual gateway sections for additional details.
Show/Hide Device Configurations
Selecting “Show Device Configurations" brings up the "Device Configurations" table which shows the list of devices in the current configuration. If the "Online Table" is not visible on the main window, the "Device Configurations" table takes up the entire window.
The main display is split evenly between the "Device Configurations" table and the "Online Devices" table with both settings checked by default.
Show/Hide Online Devices
Selecting “Show Online Devices" brings up the "Online Devices" table which shows the list of devices discovered online. If the "Device Configurations" table is not visible on the main window, the "Online Devices" table takes up the entire window.
The main display is split evenly between the "Device Configurations" table and the "Online Devices" table with both settings checked by default.
Show/Hide CID Column
A CID is a unique key that is assigned to every ACN device. This key allows systems to identify every piece of network connected ACN equipment uniquely without the need of specific knowledge for the devices editable features; including device name and network settings. It is not expected that most users will need to see this field, so the default will be set to "Hide the CID Column" while still providing the option to view it in case of troubleshooting name and IP duplications. Also helpful in troubleshooting these types of problems is the identify feature. Reference the "identify" feature found in the "Online Devices" table right-click menus for more details.
Show/Hide Network Address Column
This setting is only configurable from within the DMX Gateways tab. Selecting "Show Network Address Column" displays a DMX Port Address column after each port universe on the DMX Gateways tab. Each Universe/Address value is displayed as an eDMX style address. ETCNet2 eDMX addresses can range from 1 to 32,767.
Tip: TIP: ETCNet2 eDMX addresses are limited to 1 - 32,767 values, the values in this column can actually range between 1 - 32,767,488. This corresponds to the maximum limits supported by streaming ACN allows; up to 63999universes of 512 channels each, whereas ETC Net2 using eDMX allows 64 universes.
View Non-Configurable ACN Devices
Selecting "View Non-Configurable ACN Devices" displays a dialog box including the non-configurable ACN devices that have been discovered by default. Selecting the "Show All online ACN devices" checkbox displays all discovered ACN devices that are listed in the "Online Devices" table as well as the non-configurable ACN devices. The information GCE displays depends on the information it can discover about the devices and varies from device to device. A DMX/RDM gateway will display its MAC Address if it is known, while all other device types will not have this property and will display "Unavailable" instead.
You may choose to save the data displayed in this table as a Comma-separated-value (CSV) file by selecting the [Save as CSV] button.
Apply Configuration to Network
Selecting “Apply Configuration to Network” causes GCE to send the current configuration in the Device Configurations table to the matching online gateways in the Online Devices table.
Add All Online as Config...
Selecting "Add All Online as Config..." copies the discovered online devices to the "Device Configurations" table. A dialog displays for confirmation if you would like to save the configuration after the transfer of online devices is copied to the "Device Configurations" table.
Selecting [Yes] saves your configuration to disk. Selecting [No] will not save your configuration to disk. In both cases, all of the "Online Devices" data will be added to the "Device Configurations" table.
Note: If a device already existed in the Device Configurations table before this action, it will be duplicated excluding its CID.
Selecting “Refresh” (Ctrl) + (R) forces GCE to update the information about Online Devices.
You can select one or more device rows (press and hold the (Ctrl) key and select individual rows) and GCE queries only the selected gateways for their current property settings.
If no specific devices are selected, and a "Refresh" action is selected, a dialog displays for confirmation of the refresh action.
If you confirm [Yes], the online table is rebuilt from the Discovery Service (SLP) and all properties of discovered devices are updated.
Set Network Device Mode...
Selecting “Set Device Network Mode...” displays a dialog allowing you to set the network mode (ETCNet2 or Net3) of the gateways found on the network.
Set Device Network Mode Dialog
Update Device Software via Network...
Selecting “Update Device Software via Network...” tells the selected (or All) devices on the network to get new software from the designated "Update Service".
If no devices are selected, you are asked if you want to upgrade all devices. Confirming this action submits a message to all devices in the online table telling them to get new software.
Note: This action will update both ACN and ETCNet2 software in Net3 DMX gateways.
Update RFR Software via USB...
Selecting "Update RFR Software via USB..." enables you to update the software in either the RFR base station or the RFR handheld unit from a local USB device connection. You can also update the RFR base station unit utilizing the "Update Device software via Network..." selection.
Note: Verify that the RFR device you wish to update is connected via USB and was started in "Update Mode".
To start a handheld unit in "Update Mode" turn the handheld unit off, then press and hold the [Mode] button while attaching the USB cable. To start a base unit in "Update Mode" unplug the network cable, then press and hold the button while attaching the USB cable.
- Select the RFR device type from the available options (handheld unit or base unit). If no devices are selected and you press the [OK] button,
Update RFR Software via USB...
Reboot Devices
Selecting “Reboot Devices” sends a soft reset command to the selected devices. If no specific devices are selected, a dialog displays requesting confirmation to reboot all selected devices. Confirming [Yes] sends a message to all devices on the network telling them to execute a software reset.
Configure Network and Services
Selecting “Configure Network and Services” reads the current state of the services available and displays the "Network Configuration" dialog including the GCE Network Selection tab, Network Services tab and the Network Information tab. From this window and the individual tabs included, you may select the primary and secondary Network Interface Cards (NICs), the start/stop and configuration services and you may view the available NIC settings.
Help Topics
Selecting "Help Topics" from the (Help) menu launches this online help system in your default web browser.
Selecting "Legend" from the (Help) menu displays a list of all icons used in GCE software and their description/meaning.
About GCE
Selecting "About GCE" from the (Help) menu displays a detailed version and component information list as well as contact information for ETC.